Elle avait l’air pas mal vénérable; un peu comme un hybride tortue-dragon.
It looked quite venerable, this one; like a hybrid turtle-dragon.
Chroniques de l'ordinaire et Mésaventures en procrastination
Elle avait l’air pas mal vénérable; un peu comme un hybride tortue-dragon.
It looked quite venerable, this one; like a hybrid turtle-dragon.
No matter how much I grow up, I will never cease to be mesmerized by the eyes of frogs.
En cette journée chaude, des mésanges à tête brune qui sortent de la piscine.
Not sure how this species would feel if it knew humans identify and name it by its butt decoration, but I guess it would be a hard approve.
This cute butt is one of the first warblers to come back in spring. Summer is upon us!